Saturday, April 28, 2012


Promotion and advertising can be a heavy expense, especially for a new business that wants to make itself known in a community. A home-based business, however, more often than not, has a very limited budget when it comes to advertising. The home business owner needs to make the public aware of his or her product or service at the lowest possible cost. There are many ways. A pet breeder in a large city was struggling for several years-until he came up with a novel idea. He started giving away customized "birth certificates" for the pets he sold. Almost immediately, his sales rose more than 10 percent. The owner of a new home cleaning service was trying to attract clients. She couldn't afford much advertising, so she began offering "home cleaning seminars" to civic groups. After two months of seminars, she was swamped with inquiries and clients. Promotion often makes the crucial difference between business success or business failure.

Look at your business and decide what kind of complimentary fund gifts or give a ways can you do to help add and attraction to your clients. What quirky or offbeat things add a smile to your face when you see them and how can you apply them to your business?

Just look around or you can even ask your friends and family what ideas they have about what you could do to generate sales. There's always something you can do to help you stand out in an over saturated market place that will draw attention.

Think about it McDonald's had signs that said "Over a billion sold" long before we ever knew what "one billion" was. Nike, says, "Just Do It" and Walmart has "Rollbacks". Take a look at what you are offering and just make one tweak that will be catchy, evoke an emotional response or just get people talking about your business.

Low cost advertising is simply a matter of adding a little something extra to give your customers more perceived bang for their buck and you get more clients; without breaking your bank.

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