Thursday, June 21, 2012

3 Ways to Promote Yourself at Meetings

Business networking is an art and a delicate one. You must not be too pushy but at the same time be assertive to let others know about you and your business or services. Try these 3 tips to better market yourself at your next event.
1.       Dress Accordingly. Base your wardrobe to your networking function on where you are meeting, what time the meeting takes place, how long the meeting will last, whom you are meeting, and the image and message you are trying to convey.

You will dress differently for a night meeting with executives and their wives versus morning coffee klatches with self-employed company owners. You will definitely dress differently for women's associations that work with children as opposed to environmentalists in the field. Remember you always want to be professional but comfortable.
2.       Always Leave Marketing Material. That doesn't mean liter the event with brochures, it does mean make your business cards available to those who ask for them. If there is a place for them on the "registration table" by all means leave a few. There's also no harm in dropping one or two into a raffle bowl or the "free lunch" container on the counter of the business you are having the meeting at if there is one.
3.       Don't forget to promote yourself. That may sound silly but there are many times when people attend networking meetings and spend time "talking with" other people there but they do not ever mention what they do. That's completely different than telling someone the name of your business. When someone asks you, promote what you do and how you provide solutions for clients or customer problems; don't tell them your job title. So what you've a EVP, big deal what makes you so special and how can you solve my problems or my clients' problems. You being an EVP has no bearing on the service you or your company provides.
Remembering these 3 little tips can help you become more comfortable at networking events as well as even find more clients or customers for your business or service.

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